
Clubs and Organisations

Wharfedale Recorded Music

Our 75th season starts on 19th September 2018

We meet on Wednesday evenings at 7.45 pm at St. John's Church Hall, Ben Rhydding using the entrance from Margerison Road.

We listen to classical music on very fine equipment with superb sound reproduction and each season have a few audio-visual presentations using the same equipment with images digitally projected onto a huge screen.

As well as presentations by members we have eminent visiting speakers, seven this 2018/19 season.

Listen to the World's Greatest Conductors and Orchestras and experience programmes featuring many aspects of classical music.

We meet in friendly, comfortable surroundings and have a mid-evening interval when coffee, tea and biscuits are available.

New members and visitors are always welcome.

Annual Membership: £37
Refreshments: 50 pence
Temporary Membership for one meeting: £4.00 including refreshments.
Student Membership: £5

For further information please telephone the Honorary Secretary
Barbara Satterthwaite on 01943 601538

The enjoyment of music is enhanced when shared.

We are a member of the National Federation of Recorded Music Societies

Visit our web site at: